

【九月份 園區參觀】

【九月份 園區參觀】

◆ 2020.09.12(六) 14:00-15:00

◆ 預約登記:goo.gl/sJdaoO




✔️ 需年滿18歲

✔️ 採預約制,名額有限,額滿即關閉登記系統,不再受理

✔️ 園區位於桃園大溪,搭到公車站下車後,走路進園區約要20分鐘,建議自行開車前來

✔️ 請務必準時。若臨時無法前來,請來訊(信)取消,避免影響其他人之權益

✔️ 為園區環境介紹與狗狗照護方式之解說,不會進狗屋與狗狗接觸或互動

✔️ 避免初見面,可能有互動不佳、挑釁或其他情形造成狗狗受傷,請勿帶自家毛小孩前來

✔️ 不適合帶年紀太小的孩子。若因害怕、緊張或尖叫,容易讓狗狗更興奮、撲人,擔心造成意外或受傷


T.P.K.R. open to public!

Opening hour: 2020.09.12(SAT) 14:00-15:00

Registration link: goo.gl/sJdaoO

(We do not accept private message and email booking)

1. Visitor needs to be over 18.

2. Appointment is essential and we have limited visitors.

3. T.P.K.R. is located in Da-Xi, Taoyuan, it will take approximately 20 minutes walk if take a bus, we strong recommend to drive here.

4. Please be there on time, if you are unable to attend, please send a message or email to use for cancellation, we wish not affecting to other visitors' privilege.

5. We will have a guide during the visiting; however we do not let visitors to get any contacts with dogs.

6. Please do not take your dog to T.P.K.R. to avoid unexpected situations happened with other dogs to cause possibly hurts or unwell interactive with dogs.

7. The children whose age is too young not appropriate, dogs will get more exited and might cause hurt or injury if children scream/nervous/frighten.

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